Who can join?

The Brain Master Quizzing Championships is open to all second-level schools across Northern Ireland.

Schools can enter a maximum of one team.*

Thoughout the competition a team is defined as consisting of four team members and one reserve team member. One team member must be nominated as Team Captain before the team makes it's application.

All team members must be a student. For the purposes of the competition, we are defining a “student” as a person:

(a) who has enrolled with an NI second-level college; and

(b) who is following a recognised course of study at that college; and

(c) whose final possible award in respect of that college has not yet been achieved by the 5th December 2022.

There is no upper or lower age limit on students participating in the Programme; however, if a team member or reserve member is under the age of 16, their participation may be subject to: (i) the consent of their parent or legal guardian and (ii) their parent or legal guardian may be required to accompany such students to the competition(s) or agree to the supervision of such student by a member of their schools staff.

BM Quizzing Championships Process (Outline of Key Dates)
Find out why you should involved in the BM Quizzing Championships
Read the BMQC Rules
*Unless a school exceeds 1000 pupils, in which case a maximum of two teams will be permitted.