BM Quizzing values the importance of education and is helping to improve community success by supporting all post-primary students in Northern Ireland, on their path to a well-rounded education.

"The education of a child shall be directed to the development of a child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential."

Article 29(1), Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989


Brain Master Quizzing is a non-profit making, voluntary organisation, created to advance education in Northern Ireland.

Our services aim to promote three core values:

Respect for the importance of education;

• Encouragement of continued learning; &

• Spreading of enthusiasm around educational encounters.


Est. 2022


After years of development, BM Quizzing officially launched on the 2nd of April 2022. Founded by Ben Mooney, from the outset, we have provided quality, trustworthy services and made it our mission to support the development of every student's personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential. We intentionally aligned our mission with the message of the United Nations Article 29 to ensure the services we offer meet the highest needs.


Making Change


BM Quizzing is supported entirely by voluntary contributions, including donations from generous people like you. Because of you, we can advance children’s education and mental well-being within Northern Ireland, giving everyone a fair opportunity to reach their full potential.

Every day we are strategising unique plans to make the future brighter for children in Northern Ireland and others globally. We listen closely to the feedback we receive and allow it to guide us in all our decisions. The fastest and easiest way to give feedback is through our online form here.




Ben Mooney is the founder and president of Brain Master Quizzing. He has led the Brain Master Quizzing Organisation from its inception. He serves as the chair of the Brain Master Quizzing organisation and oversees all organisation decisions, ensuring they place the established Brain Master Mission centrally. Ben works to promote the importance of educating people in a fun, interactive, fascinating style that encourages students to continue learning as recreation.

Other members of Brain Master Quizzing's governing board comprise; Lauren Mooney (Senior Vice President & CFO) and Jess Allen (Secretary).



The Brain Master Quizzing Championships allows NI students to avail of the opportunity to expand their general knowledge in an thrilling atmosphere formulated by team spirt and the competitive atmosphere. The competition runs over the month of October and is an exciting way to challenge, motivate and reward students based on their love of continued learning and the advancement of education.

BM Quizzing Store:

The Brain Master Quizzing Store provides a wide range of options for those wishing to test their general knowledge with some unique quiz questions. We greatly appreciate anyone who chooses to purchase one of our sets. 100% of the money you pay goes towards our future goals of advancing education and the continuation of the BM Quizzing organisation.

BM Quizzing Articles:

Brain Master Quizzing Articles provide quality, trustworthy information on a matrix of topics. Through our articles we aim to encourage people to learn more about fascinating subjects beyond the national curriculum. Our most popular article is 'Famous Biologists'. We also hope to bring out a collection of other famous scientists from the catagories of physics, chemistry and others. Through these articles we can be inspired to work harder and excell to the best of our abilities.

BM Quiz Club Programme

BM Quiz Club provides free quiz resources and support from BM Quizzing experts to help organise high quality quizzes usually in minutes. Through working with schools to set up inner quiz clubs we can ensure more students receive the benefits of relaxed, entertaining learning including:

  • Building students self-esteem and improving mental health;

  • Decreasing anxiety/ stress; &

  • Inspiring students and motivating them to value education.


The ability of children to achieve well at school is compounded by mental ill-health and demotivation in NI. Combating this issue relies on:


Building self-esteem


Decreasing anxiety/ stress


Inspiring students

1 Boosting self-esteem amongst young people is incredibly important as this leads to improved mental well-being and creates a lasting impact on their life and future success. Through quizzing, our organisation caters to the foundation of this through advancing students’ communication, decision-making and self-confidence skills.

2 Decreasing anxiety is another important mission. We designed our Quiz Club Programme to manage this directly by providing enjoyment to students and helping possibly isolated students connect and forge strong friendships.

3 Students will also become inspired to reach their maximum potential through motivational interactions with celebrities and world leaders mentioned within articles published on our website and through our public events such as the BMQC. This combats the growing rise of students feeling demotivated to learn. Thus, increasing academic attainment and respect for schools.


During pre-project development, we used a ‘test and learn’ approach, initially identifying the prominent issues affecting young people in the community. We thought of what could happen if organisations engaged with schools and helped combat this? We began devising a project to help address this and after much trial and error at a local school we eventually came to the idea of hosting an internal school quiz tournament. Students eagerly wished to join the competition thus, making our mission closer to success. Next, we analysed the results of the programme and found since the club was introduced, participation in the school's existing STEM club grew dramatically by 700%. Attendance levels also increased and teachers also reported increased attentiveness in class and motivation to learn, with questions displaying heightened curiosity.

What if more young minds could be connected by an exciting, educational experience such as the BMQC? Passion is ignited in pupils and schools are well placed to make a real, lasting difference.



BM Quizzing is supported entirely by voluntary contributions, including donations from generous people like you. Because of you, we can advance children’s academic attainment and mental well-being within Northern Ireland, giving everyone a fair opportunity to reach their full potential.

We greatly appreciate donations of any amount. The fastest and easiest way to give donations is online here.


Would you like to help us change the future of education and help students reach their full potential. BM Quizzing would love to hear from you. Whether you would like to become a permanent role on our board and bring forward new ideas, act as a youth representative, become a fact checker, or simply just help in whatever way you can.

To let us know your interest please fill out the candidate signup form here.

BM Quiz Club Logo